Hey there,

I’m Lauren.

I'm an entrepreneur, author, and creator here to help you build a life you love.

Whether you're here to escape the 9-5 grind or grow your freelance career, I've got your back.

My career path hasn’t exactly been linear.


I run for sixth grade class treasurer with this poster I made in MS Paint — and somehow lose?!


The summer after my sophomore year of college, I posted a few Craigslist ads offering babysitting services. The response was overwhelming, leading me to launch my first full-fledged business—a nanny agency that is still thriving today.


I create my second company, an online matchmaking service, which gets accepted into Y Combinator and featured in dozens of national press, including the NYTimes.


My matchmaking company is featured throughout season 2 of the Gimlet podcast StartUp. Despite the exposure, I couldn't secure the funds needed to keep the company alive and ultimately had to shut down the business.


Switching over to freelancing allowed me to build up my savings and freed up my schedule enough for me to pursue my lifelong dream of writing a book.


My daughter Lila is born, and my freelance flexibility allows me to spend 8 months with her full-time, truly the happiest months of my life.


My Young Adult book comes out with HarperCollins, and I very hesitantly join TikTok to try to promote it.

June 2024

My social presence skyrockets to over 100k. I utilize the skills I have honed through my entrepreneurial journey — from my early days of MS Paint graphic design to my community-focused email marketing and self-taught web design — and in a few months, my TikTok ‘experiment’ becomes a 6-figure business.

July 2024

Along the way, I connect with thousands of fellow creatives who are dissatisfied with traditional work and inspired by my success. I launch 100K with Lauren Kay to support fellow women and moms who are looking to build thriving self-employed lifestyles.

But not every moment along the way was picture-perfect.

Like at 25, after I shut down my dating startup, and I entered a multi-year slump, having lost all confidence in myself and my abilities.

Or the postpartum anxiety and rage I dealt with when my daughter turned one—when I found myself without the mental capacity to care for her full-time, but had no job to return to.

Or the early days of my TikTok journey, when I was paying for childcare I couldn’t afford just to create videos that were bombing.

But rather than letting these setbacks defeat me, they fueled me to work harder, to help others who had faced similar experiences.

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Now, I help women gain the confidence and tools to leave their 9-5s and pursue fulfilling, flexible careers.

I don’t teach ‘passive income’ or ‘how to become a millionaire overnight’. Instead, I utilize my years of experience to help you make clear, safe steps toward defining and then achieving your dream life.

And I know that we’re stronger when we work together. This is why everything I do involves community and women helping to lift other women up.

I can’t wait to get to know you and help you along your journey.

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